Rtn. PDG. Joseph Suresh Kumar, a physics graduate, is the managing partner of JK Promoters promoting residential flats in and around Pondicherry. As a Rotarian he occupied various important offices including the office of Rotary Governor for the District 2980. He has contributed 2.4 crores to the Rotary Foundation during his Governorship in 2010-11. Rotary International recognizing his unparalleled service has entrusted many important areas of operations for appropriate implementation.
As a Rotarian he has visited many overseas countries and has a deep grasp of the different global cultures. He is the founder of Arulsamy Memorial Trust which helps the poor students to pursue their education. He has been the recipient of many awards among which “Service Above Self Award in 2012-13 and “Citation for his meritorious service” in 2015-16 by Rotary International needs special mention.
As a popular Rotarian and wholesome philanthropist his guidance in the capacity of Advisor in our Foundation would be of immense support for the developmental activities.