The primary mission of the Missionaries of Charity is to care for the hungry, the naked, the homeless, the crippled, the blind, and all those who feel unwanted, unloved, and uncared for in the society.
And Mother Teresa Foundation consider it as a great privilege and honor for having received the opportunity to meet the Superior General of the congregation. Our mission and vision has always been in line with the works of St. Mother Teresa and service of Missionaries of Charity. And we were able to see firsthand the wholehearted help and support provided by these nuns at the congregation.
Their selfless service in taking care of the HIV people, the homeless, the destitute, and others, brought a sense of satisfaction and contentment, thereby inspiring us to help more and more people.
We happily interacted and mingled with the inmates and the volunteers of the congregation. And were more than glad to explain our services and activities to the Superior General of the Charity, who thereby encouraged us, motivated us, and gave full-hearted support to the growth and success of our Foundation.