Testimonials by our Beneficiaries
A family from Mumbai who were stranded during the lockdown provide testimony of the assistance received from The Mother Teresa Foundation
Mr. Pragadeshwaran (91yrs) and his daughter Mrs. Bhavani (65yrs) emotionally narrating how our Foundation helped them at every stage in their hazardous life. He explains that education of his grandchildren has been taken care of by the Foundation. Being a cancer patient he had to be treated with the expensive medicines and Foundation came to his rescue in this crucial stage. When his daughter met with an accident and was admitted in hospital Foundation took care of all the medical expenses. They thus acknowledge and testify with gratitude the great services of Mother Teresa Foundation.
The Mother Teresa Foundation provided support to various People with Disabilities
Gowri from Srirangam Trichy, a differently-abled mother who received assistance from the Foundation to educate her two daughters gives testimony
Karthik reveals his childhood sorrows as an orphan. He also narrates how Foundation helps him to fulfill his dreams.
R Rooban Raj a Foundation sponsored child relates his journey with The Mother Teresa Foundation. He also reveals his trauma in his family. He tells us how he is taken care of by The Mother Teresa Foundation and how he is getting the best of education.
X Xavier raised by The Foundation relates about his life, how he was taken care & how he was educated with the support of Mother Teresa Foundation
A Mariyammal a Foundation child narrates the perils of her life and the support she gets from foundation for realization of her dreams to transform her future devoid of anguish
Expressing views about care and generous service by one of our patients